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Silvia's Trips

Hi there, and welcome to this little blog about my solo trips!

My name is Silvia, Silvia Danila Moggia, and I come from a family that is quite an impressive cultural melting pot. At home, I’ve always been “the one with the suitcase” cause I couldn’t wait to leave for extended trips or short excursions nearby… it didn’t matter.

After a childhood spent between small microcosms such as Vernazza, Bonassola and Voltaggio and extended stays in South America, I had my childhood dream became my project and moved to Paris to complete my studies and work at the Opera.

My professional life has given me so much and made me travel even more. I worked in major opera houses, such as the Paris Opera and the Palau de las Artes in Valencia, with great artists and amazing people and in 2011, I came back to the Cinque Terre to help my loved ones after the flood that swept away and devastated their lives.

Besides travelling whenever I can, I now run a boutique hotel in Levanto, deal with tourism marketing and destination management, write about travels and Italian Riviera on several websites and, above all, try not to lose sight of my North …

How long will this stage last? I don’t know 😉

To me, the important thing is, of course, to travel, always…

Not only according to the literal sense of the word. I sincerely love to travel, daydreaming for hours, imagining lives and stories through the books I can’t stop reading or while listening to music and leaving my thoughts, memories, and imagination wandering.

I love to travel to understand and discover myself and for the joy of the solo trip planning part.

Silvia’s Trips

I decided to open my blog following the advice of some friends who suggested I should start transcribing my travel notes and post them online.

I only cover my experiences, and my trips are exclusively independent. My posts are, therefore, a total of practical information, many tips and not a few advice against …

With my stories, I hope to keep you company and make you dream and imagine travels to organize them and, as soon as possible, to pack and leave.

Where to start reading? Well, you could, for instance, start with these three posts:

A presto!


Oh, I write for other blogs, too…

The mix of past and current experiences, various passions and the love for writing explain why some other travellers and tourism professionals occasionally grant me some space on their blogs. I can’t thank them enough.

You can also find me on these pages.